Please remember the last day to register is August 8th so we can properly get everyone set up with logistics, waivers, and contact tracing protocols.

Courses & Sailing Instructions Posts

July 31, 2020

The courses, sailing instructions, and important notices to competitors have all been posted to our official notice board on Yacht Scoring. Please remember the last day to register is August 8th so we can properly get everyone set up with logistics, waivers, and contact tracing protocols. 

All competitors, please take the time to review the SIs and amendments. 

Notes to remember, outlined in the docs. Thank you in advance for your cooperation:

  • All competitors must adhere to the latest RI Covid-19 regulations regarding travel
  • All competitors must wear a mask while at the Alofsin Piers. In instances where a mask cannot be worn, competitors must keep 6’ of distance between people not on the boat they are sailing on. 
  • Waivers must be signed prior to registration via Yacht Scoring
  • Note, possession and/or consumption of alcohol is not permitted at Fort Adams.