The updates from the Yacht Scoring page from the Race Committee.

Race Blog from RC

August 17, 2020

2020 New England 100
Boat and RC Blog from Yacht Scoring

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 03:13PM - Skedaddle finished at 15:08:20.
All beach cats are ashore, and all boats are done racing!

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 03:09PM - Skedaddle finished at 15:08:20.
All beach cats are ashore, and all boats are done racing!

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 03:03PM - Blackbird finished at 15:02:18.
Skedaddle is just north of the bridge.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 02:58PM - Next was Rapp and Crowley, Hobie 16 at 14:13:45.
Next were the Setarehs, F18 at 14:16:25.
Next was Greg Vadasdi, F18 at 14:19:04.
Next were the Whites, Nacra 20 at 14:34:30.
Last beach cat, Petrarca and Carl, Hobie 16 at 14:44:17.

Merlin retired, Skedaddle and Blackbird are approaching the Newport Bridge, heading to finish at Rose.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 02:46PM - Next was Whyte and Schaffer, F18 at 13:47:25.
Next was Ian Ray, F18 at 14:03:41, passing a boat at the finish.

Next was Jared Sonnenklar, F18 at 14:03:41, after unwinding a finishing error.


From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 02:42PM - Next finisher was Powell and French, Hobie 16 at 13:28:11.
Next was Mackiewicz and Conway , Hobie 16 at 13:28:59.

Next was Guck and Guck on an F18, 13:34:51.

Next was Lovisa and Brunsvold on an F18, 13:42:48.

Next were the Giulianos on an F18, at 13:43:07.

Next were the Bulgers on an F18, at 13:45:32.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 01:53PM - Second Spin Cat was Easton and Burd at 13:22:37.
The Prindle 16 was Mackeil and Jordan, which was the next Non-Spin Cat at 13:23:31.

Third Spin Cat was Riccardi and Tebo at 13:23:49.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 01:46PM - Second Hobie 16 was Chris and Casey Dutton at 13:12:30.
First Spin Cat was Valente and Zellmer at 13:19:46.

Third Hobie 16 was Heroux and Powers at 13:21:49.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 01:02PM - Modderman finished at 13:01:28!

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 01:00PM - Modderman through the Newport Bridge, approaching finish.
Lead spin boat passing southern tip of Prudence.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:53PM - Chris and Casey Dutton are running second in Non-Spin, on a Hobie 16.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:52PM - The lead Spinnaker cat around Patience was Jim Zellmer and Joe Valante.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:49PM - Modderman approaching the southern tip of Gould Island, heading for the Newport Bridge.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:42PM - Wind at the top of Jamestown is 15-17 knots with higher gusts.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:40PM - Lead Spinnaker cat has rounded Prudence and is passing Patience, heading south to finish.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:38PM - Lead Hobie 16 around the top of Jamestown, heading to finish in Newport.
Merlin is at the top now, heading northeast to go around Prudence.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 12:27PM - All boats except 2 Hobie 16 through the Jamestown Bridge.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 11:58AM - Merlin through the Jamestown Bridge at 11:56:30.
Mark Modderman through at 11:57:30.

Big gap before the rest of the fleet.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 11:53AM - Todd Riccardi led the F18s to Beavertail, but got passed by Mike Easton before the Jamestown Bridge. All F18s are past the bridge and heading to the top of Jamestown.
NEMA and Non-Spin fleets are approaching the Jamestown Bridge.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 11:47AM - Two Spin cats flipped at Beavertail: Bulger and Jared.
Merlin led the NEMA fleet, rounded at 11:08:08.

Modderman led the Non-Spin cats at Beavertail, rounded at 11:14:15, followed by Heroux, who flipped after rounding.

All boats sailing north at this time.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 11:41AM - Ben capsized just prior to the start, drifted across the line a few minutes late. 13 boats in the Spin cat fleet. 3 boats in NEMA. 8 boats in Non-Spin.

From the RC Headquarters - Sunday @ 11:39AM - After a short AP due to a delayed beach launch, all fleets started successfully. Start times (all GPS times today):
Spin Cats: 1032 NEMA: 1039 Non-Spin Cats: 1045

Wind was 7-8 knots at the start near Rose Island, with flat water in the harbor.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 04:53PM - NOTE: All times reported today are 30 seconds ahead of GPS.
Finish times: Final Gravity 16:37:47, Skedaddle 16:41:16, Merlin 16:45:02, Blackbird 16:51:56.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 03:56PM - Roundings at Hope Island: Final Gravity 15:45:20, Skedaddle 15:49:22, Blackbird 15:53:10, Merlin 15:54:18. Heading back to finish in Newport.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 03:35PM - Roundings at R6 (Quonset Point): Final Gravity 15:21:57, Skedaddle 15:24:44, Blackbird 15:28:38, Merlin 15:29:46.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 03:12PM - Roundings at WR21: Final Gravity 15:04:24, Skedaddle 15:07:33, Blackbird 15:08:08, Merlin 15:11:35.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 02:46PM - All boats passed (north of) Gould Island.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 02:40PM - One in western channel, three in eastern.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 02:39PM - All boats passed south end of Gould Island.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 02:20PM - All boats have passed the Newport bridge.

From the RC Headquarters - Saturday @ 02:12PM - NEMA fleet started at 1411, All Clear.